Guest Lecture Zrinka Kolakoviæ
29. Januar 2025, 12:15 Uhr
Modeling clitic placement variation in Croatian: Structural insights meet information structure
Dr. Zrinka Kolaković (University of Hamburg)
Wednesday, 29.01.2025 12 (c.t.) – 14, Room Phil A 12004
In Croatian, clause‐initial constituents that consist of two individually stressed words provide a fertile ground for variation in the placement of Wackernagel clitics (CLs). The first part of the talk offers an in‐depth corpus linguistic analysis of the three “competing” CL placement options, concentrating primarily on the structural factors governing the variation ( 3 500 data points). The second part of the talk presents preliminary results of a corpus linguistic study dealing with the information‐structural factors that influence CL placement (400 data points). Analyses in both studies rely on multinomial regression models.
Dr. Zrinka Kolaković forscht am Institut für Slavistik im Rahmen des von DAAD PRIME gefördertes Projektes: Competing in the long run: experimental perspectives on second position, phrase splitting and delayed placement of pronominal, reflexive, and verbal clitics on the left edge of the main clause in contemporary standard Croatian.